

Use pipinstall() to install packages from pip. The primary advantage of using this module is that homely can automatically remove the package for you when you no longer want it.

pipinstall(package, pips=<see below>, *, trypips=[])

The name of the pip package to install

A list of pip executables to install the package with.

['pip2.7', 'pip3.4'] would install the package using both the pip2.7 and pip3.4 executables. The default is to use ['pip'] as long as you aren’t using tripips.

This is a supplementary list of pip executables that homely will use to install the package, but no exception will be raised if the pip executables aren’t available.

Note that the pip install ... commands are run with the --user option so that the packages are installed into your home directory.


Install isort using the pip executable found in your $PATH:

from homely.pipinstall import pipinstall

Install ipython package for python2:

from homely.pipinstall import pipinstall
pipinstall('ipython', ['pip2'])

Install neovim package for python3:

from homely.pipinstall import pipinstall
pipinstall('neovim', ['pip3'])

Install ptpython package using whichever pip executables are present. Don’t issue a warning if some pip executables aren’t found:

from homely.pipinstall import pipinstall
pipinstall('ipython', trypips=['pip', 'pip2', 'pip3'])

Automatic Cleanup

If homely installs a package with pip install, it records this fact along with which pip executable was used. When you run homely update, if the call to pipinstall() is no longer used, homely will pip uninstall the package.

See Automatic Cleanup for more information.

Note: Currently homely will not remove any additional packages that were installed because of dependencies. See also Issue #13.